

After fiery thief, after bout of grief,

though life is brief I sprout relief,

with tiny leaf, beyond belief--

I am the seed.

                        -Kim Stafford, "I am the Seed".


Health care should be an act of self love. Often, though, the health care system leaves folks feeling frustrated, confused, and unheard rather than empowered. Why is going to the doctor so profoundly disheartening for so many people? I'll tell you a secret: it's disheartening for your health care team, too. Simply put, a typical medical office in the U.S. today is not equipped to help most people move towards living healthier, happier lives. We have a limited set of tools and an even more limited block of time to help you. We went in to health care to help people, and we know we are often falling short.


In the past decade-plus I've worked within this system, I've learned a lot about what it can and cannot do. Our health care system is good at finding and fixing some health problems-- especially ones like injuries, acute infections, and common cancers. There are proven and effective treatments to address these kinds of problems. We can fix broken body parts pretty well these days with drugs, surgery, and other medical interventions. We absolutely, 100% need this kind of care, and we need ongoing scientific research to support and improve it. It saves lives. Here's the rub, though: not every ailment can be traced to a single specific biochemical or mechanical problem. Humans and their bodies and their lives are complex, so health care shouldn't stop at fixing a broken part of the body. People need partners, guides, listeners, and coaches. They need interpreters and teachers and healers. As much as health care providers would like to be these things, we can't do it all in the context of the clinic visits allowed by the insurance-based system, and we didn't learn how to do it all when we were in school. As a result, there's a mismatch between what you need and what our health care system has to offer you.


Then, there's the elephant in the room: money. Physicians, nurses, and other professionals are working within medical systems driven by health insurance.  In order to be financially solvent, health care providers need to see as many as thirty patients per day, and performing procedures can increase revenue. We have checklists and forms and quality measures to meet, which keeps us focused on our system rather than on your needs. If something is time-consuming or innovative, we have to jump through hoops upon hoops to get it paid for (and usually it still isn't covered). This arrangement often creates barriers to giving you what you really need. You hate this. We hate this. It's terrible.


People come seeking health care with hopes of being healed. They often leave with a label, a prescription, a set of instructions, and a pat on the head.  Maybe they get a well-intentioned lecture about weight loss, smoking, or exercise. Now what?? And we wonder why health is elusive.


Lots of potential answers have sprung up in this void. You've likely seen and tried many while looking for a better way. Some health care providers have opted out of insurance, instead taking direct cash payments for their services. Gyms have launched training, coaching, and nutrition programs aimed at helping you get healthy. Instagram is full of people willing to sell you a plan to lose weight or get shredded. Even within the role of "health coach", there's enormous variability-- there is not licensing for this profession, and education varies widely from none at all to short online courses to rigorous university-based programs. There are now some credentials available through completing a vetted program, taking an exam and demonstrating practice hours-- but people still call themselves health coaches without any of this.  It's hard to know what you're getting and whether it will be safe, let alone effective.


So why might you want integrative health coaching from an experienced nurse practitioner and scientist? Here are some reasons:


  • Science matters. The internet is a wild west of health information and misinformation. There is an astounding amount of high-quality scientific research published these days, on everything from the microbiome to the effects of mindfulness on brain function. It can be difficult to separate high-quality evidence from wishful thinking, speculation, and straight charlatanism. With a PhD in nursing science and over a decade of clinical experience, I can bring my trained eye to current research and help you evaluate the information you find.

  • You want to understand how your medical treatment fits into your life. I "speak doctor" and can help you figure out the stuff that still seems fuzzy and come up with clear questions to ask your health care team.

  • I can help spot red flags in your health early and refer you to the right professionals to help-- this is a huge benefit for folks who want to know "is this normal?". I have the experience and training to help know when you need more help, and from whom.

  • I know why you're frustrated! Having been on the inside of hospitals and medical offices for years, I've seen exactly why you feel unwelcome and unheard. Things I WON'T do: interrupt you, dismiss anything you bring up, lecture you, keep you waiting, make you talk to me while wearing a paper gown, whip out a BMI chart, give you a one-size-fits-all plan, parrot vague government guidelines about servings of food groups or minutes of exercise, or pressure you to do ANYTHING you don't want to do.


In my approach, I recognize that you are. . .

  • Unique. The particular circumstances you live in, your particular body, and your particular experience of health are not the same as anyone else's. No wonder people struggle with off-the-shelf programs promising health or weight loss or more energy!

  • Worthy. You deserve to be well. This means more than "falling within normal limits" (normal for who?).  No matter where you are now, you can start feeling better. Wellness is not a luxury.

  • The expert in you. You know your body. I know physiology, and medicine, and nursing, and coaching-- but you know you. That profound wisdom is necessary to your improve your health.

  • In charge. You get to decide what goals and values right for you.


You want to heal. It's time to build strong roots and get ready to blossom!